Car2Cloud Drive the future of —— data storage to drive the industry change


Data storage is driving the auto industry to promotion

Automakers are building smarter technologies into self-driving vehicles (AVs) that can change the way of transportation. When self-driving cars are further integrated, they have the potential to revolutionize the way people live their everyday lives, and may even affect the way cities are designed. The road to this is long, but innovations in data storage can help navigate the journey.

Use the data to achieve more possibilities

The AV is essentially a supercomputer on wheels. With a series of built-in sensors, cameras and internal networks, they can seamlessly detect what's happening. They were able to see more on the road from other cars, cyclists, pedestrians and road signs. More intelligent vehicles are more aware of their surrounding environment than are most human drivers.

Self-driving cars also use more data. A self-driving car is the equivalent of nearly 2,700 ordinary Internet users.

Ruben recently spoke at Automotive World, a leading provider of automotive industry research and events, explaining how much data the AV uses and how it compares to that used by the average Internet user.

"By 2020, self-driving cars will process an average of 4,000 GB of data per day, while Internet users will on average process 1.5 GB," he said.

As self-driving cars continue to upgrade, equipped with more advanced cameras and sensors, they will have smarter features and technologies to generate more data.

The new set of smart features can help drivers stay steady on the road. With reliable storage devices, lane departure detection, backward-view video, and object avoidance can be enabled. In addition, wireless (OTA) software updates from the manufacturer can be pushed to add new features and improvements.

Some cars even have the ability to park automatically and can drive completely automatically and independently. But the car world has a long way to go before self-driving cars often appear on the streets.

Upgrade lane

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released an autonomous driving level —— from 1 (unautomated) to 5 (fully automated) —— to explain the current state of the industry and its impact on the future.

Most Athe AVs on the road today are level 2 —— partially automated or less. And with the higher level of integration into the society, the potential development space and economic benefits are huge.


For many people, employment or independent living depends on the ability to drive. Self-driving cars can help more people go to work and create new jobs for about 2 million disabled people.

With the development of automotive data technology, the impact is not only limited to the car. Soon, roads and cities may begin to undergo major changes in parking, road building, and public transport.

"Expand" the urban space

As AV continues to introduce more in-board digital storage, reaching level 3 and higher autonomy may help reduce traffic and road congestion. This will have a significant impact on the planning of road development and urban layout.

In the future, driverless cars will allow passengers to get off and continue driving. Thus, real estate once occupied by parking lots and large garages could be replaced by more human-centered needs, such as housing, parks or shopping malls.

Russell Ruben Hypothesis, maybe even one day people don't want to own a car."...... Instead, they can subscribe to a shared driving service, similar to the streaming of music or movies.”

With more efficient self-driving cars on the streets, cars can travel more closely, "expanding" more space for cyclists and pedestrians.

The "road" of the future

This is still the beginning of the revolution in autonomous vehicles. With proper NAND storage, vehicle data workloads can be balanced, fundamentally improving the way people travel and experience their lives. It will take time, but with any major shift, it is possible to make anything better.



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